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Abstract Topic: Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education

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A Study of Working mother parenting practice in Purbalingga District
Asih Nur Ismiatun (a), Yoyon Suryono (b)

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(a) Ikip Siliwangi Bandung
Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Cimahi 40526
(b) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jl. Colombo No.1 Yogyakarta 55281

Mothers plays an important role in children parenting since they were born, which is very important in the family. However, today with the many demands of life such as economic needs make many mothers have to work and must reduce togetherness with their children. This study aims to analyze how working mothers do parenting for their children. It was conducted in Purbalingga district and involving 100 working mothers with different job backgrund, different levels of education and living environment. A qualitative approach with description analysis was used in this study. Data was collected by giving 22 items of instruments to determine the quality of care for working mothers. This study identified the quality of working mothers based on indicators of time together with children, quality of care, application of discipline and punishment. The results show that parenting of working mothers included in good category. The reduced time because of mothers work makes mothers have to be more creative in making quality time with children and schools can be an alternative for providing education.

parenting, working mother

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Ratu Yustika Rini

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Ratu Yustika Rini

Graduate School Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This paper tries to explore the feminism construction of fathershood in the family. Using postdevelopmental understanding, this paper seeks to understand how feminism develops in becoming a father, this paper is based on a case study conducted in 2016 for one month. The findings of this study reveal that the construcibility of feminism in the family lies in patriarchal discourse. This paper argues that there are many meanings attached to the fatherly patterns that have built feminism in the family environment. It not only functions as a symbol of feminism, but also acts as a patriarchal marker. This finding also shows that the discourse perpetuates the patriarchal legacy. So, it is highly recommended, so parents can build the construct of feminism, and be able to understand various meanings of feminism in a comprehensive and applicable way.

Feminism, fatherhood

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Building-Blocks: Children Reflections on Gender
Marina Trie Ramadhany Gunawan, Hani Yulindrasari, Vina Adriany

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Marina Trie Ramadhany Gunawan

Postgraduate of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia (naramadhany.gunawan[at]

Lecture of Postgraduate of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia (haniyulindra[at]

Lecture of Postgraduate of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia (vina[at]

The purpose of this article is to discuss the gender construction process that is carried out through blocks learning media. The researcher examines the blocks learning media which always considers to stimulate early childhood development, using the perspective of postdevelopmentalism. This article uses a directed ethnography research method, for about 2 months in kindergarten in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. Researchers found that children used blocks as one of the platforms to meet their understanding of gender. In this study, boys and girls make an understanding of what boys can do and girls cant do. This discusses making gender stereotypes about boys and girls. The stereotype can be one of the causes of the unequal access received by children. This of course also has implications for the lack of development or development skills developed in early childhood. Based on the findings of the researchers, the researchers found that teachers could have a higher awareness about the use of instructional media, one of which is a block for early childhood that is more gender equitable

Blocks, Gender, Children, Picture

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Children-s Perception of Sally-s Character in Animation “Upin and Ipin”: A Gender Perspective
Fitri Rofiyarti

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Fitri Rofiyarti

Universitas Narotama

Understanding of gender in the child development process is constructed strongly by their environment, including the media that they consumed every day. Upin and Ipin, a remarkable animation from Malaysia as one of favorite animation in Indonesia can-t be denied has big influences to their audiences. In spite of their educative and humorous stories, this animation provokes an anxiety when Upin and Ipin shows a character named Kak Sally or Saleh, a male who has an attitude like a female. Portrayed in that ‘female like- behavior, Upin and Ipin displays well another phenomena related to gender to the children within Kak Sally-s character. Through qualitative method, this research will interview 4-6 years old children and analyze their perception to this kind of different behavior related to the gender issues and the implication like how they will treat their peers who behave like Kak Sally in the real life.

gender, perception, animation

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Developing Games and Activities on Fair Gender: Critical Reflection on Early Childhood Learning
Dr. Iin Purnamasari, S.Pd., M.Pd.

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Iin Purnamasari

Departement of Elementary School of Teacher Education Faculty of Education University of PGRI Semarang, Indonesia

Basically, the learning done in early childhood education is to play. However, about the game, not just any game. Games performed in early childhood learning need to pay attention to the shape and principles of the game, the goal for the game used in learning for early childhood according to the needs of children. The principle of the game is productivity, activity, effectiveness and efficiency, creativity, educating and fun, as well as the suitability of the shape of the game with the characteristics of children aged 0 – 6 years. Games used in early childhood learning should be able to stimulus the child to develop an active attitude to him. The introduction of gender concept is the first step to give a child sexual education. It needs to be given early where the child is experiencing golden age. In addition, early childhood children also have an interest in the differences about men and women. The introduction of gender difference should be done precisely, considering that gender education will be stored in the childs long-term memory. This will affect the formation of behavior and personality when adults. This paper will reflect critically on how early childhood learning is based on games and gender fair activities for children.

games, activity, gender fair, learning, early childhood

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Fathers- involvement in early childhood education in Indonesia
Fatima Rahmah

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Fatima Rahmah

Monash University

Fathers- involvement in children education could give a positive feedback for both father and children. Participation of fathers in various children activities rise fathers- awareness about their valued towards their children (Anderson, Aller, Piercy, & Roggman, 2014). Fathers- participation could help children to have better literacy development and cognitive development (Bauman & Wasserman, 2010; Mathwasa & Okeke, 2016a). Fathers- involvement is linked to children socio-emotional and better academic functioning at school (Mathwasa & Okeke, 2016b). Various studies have found that there are various variables which could impact the father presence in their participation of children education activities, including: culture, income, working hours, and socioeconomic backgrounds (Bauman & Wasserman, 2010; Fathonah & Abidin, 2016; Ihmeideh, 2014). Female domination in children education setting limiting father to getting engage in their children-s education (Ihmeideh, 2014; Palm & Fagan, 2008). It is worth to consider for the future study to investigate how to engage fathers- participation in their children education in school-based and home-based activities. For instance, what kind of strategies that should be initiated by institution or educators at school which will be suited for father in Indonesia to getting fathers to become more involved in child development and learning process. In conclusion, studies found that father with young children have a positive attitude towards their children-s education. The domination of female presence in children education setting are limiting fathers to participate in child education. In addition, socio-culture, tradition, time limitation due to working hours, father-s income, and education background of father affect fathers- involvement in child education.

Fathers- involvement, early childhood education, children education

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Maya Lestari1, Desvi Wahyuni2, Noor Ishma3, Yuli Anggraini4, Musylia Nurfadhlia5

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Maya Lestari

School of Postgraduate Early Childhood Education Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This paper attempts to how gender plays a role in efforts to increase literacy in early childhood. Literacy is not just reading, but reading is the beginning of all. Of course not only reading textual, but also reading illustrated stories and so forth. One sign of an advanced nation is the high interest in literacy. Indonesian childrens interest in reading at PISA ranks 62th out of 72 countries surveyed. This data is not happy news. Boys usually have lower reading interests than girls. One of the efforts to increase childrens literacy based on gender-sensitive curriculum is with story books where the characters are male and female in equal order and role. The method used in this paper is literature study. Which of the previous studies conducted in Australia and other developed countries has implemented gender-based reading media and a big impact in fostering the reading interest of boys and girls. But in Indonesia as a developing country, which for the most part still overrides gender-based learning, finally and perhaps with gender-based media can contribute to efforts foster reading interest for all children in Indonesia.

Children, Gender issues, Reading Literacy

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Gender And Toys In Early Childhood Education: Using Post structuralism theory
Suci Ramdaeni, Vina Adriany, Hani Yulindrasari

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Suci Ramdaeni

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

This paper aims to explore the gender construction of children through toys. By using a post-structuralist perspective, researchers look at how power relations are intertwined in childrens play activities that strengthen binary masculinity and femininity through toys. This study uses ethnographic studies conducted in Bandung, Indonesia. Data analysis used grounded theory which produced 164 codes. The findings show that toys used as learning media are often gendered. Children and teachers alike reinforce stereotypes in the selection of toys between boys and girls which actually reinforces gender inequality in Early Childhood Education. This finding also recommends that educators in Early Childhood Education be more gender sensitive and become a reference for implementing a gender sensitive curriculum in Early Childhood Education.

Gender, Early Childhood Education, Post- structualism, Toys

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Dhiya muthia, Hani yulindrasari

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Dhiya muthia mahardikawati

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

ABSTRACT GENDER CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS ON EARLY-CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN KINDERGARTEN (An etnographic research on Early –Childhood Education in kindergarten in Bandung) Dhiya Muthia Mahardikawati, Hani Yulindrasari Gender construction in kindergarten can be seen through various things such as teacher treatment, teacher understanding and teacher habituation in schools. This study discusses the gender construction in kindergartens which is situational formed based on the restrictions and segregation of boys and girls. This research was conducted using the ethnographic focus method with an implementation time of approximately three months in a kindergarten in the city of Bandung. This study uses a gender perspective, and analysis of grounded theory. Researchers look at how habituation done at school can construct gender in children. The results of this study indicate that the binary gender construction that tends to differentiate the behavior of women and men is situational, because in certain circumstances schools also construct gender equality in which boys and girls are given equal opportunities in several ways. But there are still habits that have been applied to children and also continue to preserve the existing traditional gender with stereotypes prevailing in the surrounding environment. Of course, teachers in schools have a role in deconstructing traditional gender so that gender equality or equity can be more easily created in children at school. Key words: Gender, gender construction, gender streotype, habituation, boundaries

Gender, gender construction,gender streotype, habituation,boundaries

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Gender in Disaster Mitigation
Ridha Marissa El Seira, S.Pd., Dr. Euis Kurniati, M.Pd.

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Ridha Marissa El Seira

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the countries that affect easily by natural disaster. Previous research has been focusing on the disaster mitigation, including on the post-trauma counceling for the victim. This paper aims to explore under-research area by exploring how disaster mitigation responds to the need of young children. Using a feminist lense, this paper would seek to explore what extent the disaster mitigation has been adopting gender responsive principle. Using a literature review, this paper also aims to see whether or not the existing mitigation approach has in fact potentially harmed one gender. Finding of this paper is expected to offer recommendation to policy makers and educators on how to develop a gender responsive and also gender equity mitigation approach.

gender, young children, disaster, mitigation

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Maternal caring in Indonesias Early Childhood Education: Mixed methodologies
Yulida Pangastuti

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Yulida Pangastuti

Faculty of Education and Social Work
University of Auckland, New Zealand

Maternal caring in Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a concept that has been heavily debated, praised, and also critiqued. From the feminist point of view, maternal caring equals to unpaid labor done mostly by women as teachers in the centers and mothers at home. The growing post-structuralist influence in many western universities has enabled more diverse opinions pointing at the complex tensions between caring practices and women-s roles as carers. What about Indonesia? This paper aims at juxtaposing the theoretical relevance of maternal caring in Indonesia-s ECE. It consists of two methodological parts: the first part will provide a background for this study. It reviews some historical milestones of women-s participation in ECE and how the notion of “care” is constructed across times. The second part will use an ethnographic case study with ECE teachers from Eastern Indonesia. In the second part, I present how concepts of caring brought by the ECE expansion position women critically at the center; yet, their struggles are ambivalent and remain invisible. I argue that maternal caring is a discursive practice, producing meanings that are varied, fragmented, incoherent, competing but also hybridized and unequal.

maternalism; maternal caring; ECE Indonesia

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Parents and School Cooperation on Sex Education to Prevent Sexual Abuse in Early Childhood (Case Study: Sex Education Implementation in Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Kindergarten)
Endah Windiastuti (a*), Amir Syamsudin (a**)

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Endah Windiastuti

a) Early Childhood Education Department, Postgraduate School, Yogyakarta State University
Jalan Colombo No. 1, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

The awareness of sex education in Indonesia still weak. This concern can seen by the increasing of sexual abuse cases that occurred in the last 3 years. 70 cases in 2017, 149 cases in 2018, and till July of 2019 there were 78 cases of sexual abuse in children. The causes were the lack of control from adult, and sex education still considered as a taboo. This paper would like to analyze parents perspective about sex education and school efforts to implement sex education in Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Kindergarten. The research uses the qualitative approach with indepth interview in examining data with the parents and teachers, observation, also the literature review. The result in this study reveals following: firstly, parents think that sex education is an important thing as preventive act to sexual abuse. Secondly, school has did the program with the explanation and active act in school. However, in the reality there are some problems that occurred like toilets that not divided by the gender, and adult that changes the child-s clothes on the open space. The implication of this study is to bring school and parents to know and develop more about their awareness about sex education.

sex education; sexual abuse; parents perspective; parents and school cooperation; implementation

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Perspective of Father Involvement in Childcare with Migrant Worker Mothers
Ajeng Teni Nur Afriliani (a*), Hani Yulindrasari (b)

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Ajeng Teni Nur Afriliani


Indonesia is one of the largest sending countries for migrant workers. In 2018 one of the news revealed that Indonesia was crowned as the 2nd most country in ASEAN as a sender of migrant workers after the Philippines. These migrant workers usually go to work leaving their families, especially their children. In the vulnerable BNP2TKI between 2011 and January 2018, the placement of migrant workers from Indonesia was 60% dominated by women. Not a few of them left children who were still early. The absence of parents especially mothers in early childhood growth certainly affects the development of the children who are left behind. This study will explore the perspective of a husband/father left by his wife working as a migrant worker and leaving early childhood to be cared for by his father. This research is an exploratory research with ethnographic study design that uses a qualitative approach. The main data collection techniques in this study were observation and in-depth interviews with respondents who were selected purposively. Respondents of this study are the father/husband who is the primary caregiver of their children with vulnerable children aged 4-6 years, amounting to 5-10 people. This research is expected to provide qualitative information that can be used as a basis for developing a fathers parenting intervention program, especially in Sukabumi, to then be replicated in various other regions.

Father Involvement, Parenting, Childcare with Migrant Worker Mothers

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Who Needs to Learn How to be a Leader? Gender Analysis On Social Interactions in an Early Childhood Education Setting
Fitria Ulfah, Hani Yulindrasari

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fitria Ulfah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Leadership is not an innate trait. Children need to be trained and taught to be a leader both for themselves and for others. Unfortunately, there has been an assumption, especially in Indonesian Muslim society at large, that boys should get leadership training more than girls since a leader is supposed to be a male. This gendered assumption would lead to lack of leadership training for girls. Consequently, there would be less girls have the confidence to lead. This research investigates social interactions between students and students-teachers that have leadership values. A focused ethnography was conducted in a kindergarten owned by military wives- organisation in Bandung, West Java. A gender perspective was used to analyse who got more opportunity to enhance their leadership skills. The research found that teachers did not planned any leadership training for the students. Instead, the teachers left it up to the students- “natural” play. The children learned leadership skills only in free play without any interventions from the teachers. As a result, a dominant child, who happened to be a boy, led the most. This research recommends a planned and structured teaching and learning to instil leadership skills to all children regardless of their gender and domination in the group. Teachers should interfere in order to provide equal opportunity for all children to learn how to be a leader.

Leadership; Gender; Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


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